
Recognising commitment – Aspire badges

During 2018, 49 HEI’s and a range of suppliers developed the Aspire project, to audit the quality of accessibility information available from publishers and book platforms. The data is publicly available. Anyone looking at the summary data will be struck by the fact that there is room for improvement across much of the industry. The […]


New regulations mean new risks on your website accessibility

There’s a new EU directive that’ll be shaking up our websites, as digital inclusion becomes a recognised right, not just a privilege. From NUS Connect June 2018 In September 2018, making your website more accessible became a legal requirement for public sector bodies. The implications could be significant so at Jisc we asked members how ready they […]

Equality Julia Taylor Learner Experience Policy & strategy Productivity/assistive technology Quality improvement Uncategorized

Web and app accessibility – make the most of the EU Accessibility directive

On 23rd of September 2018 a new EU Directive  came into force in the UK. The new regulations mean that public sector websites and mobile apps will need to be accessible to all users, especially those with disabilities. The regulations will remain part of UK law regardless of our future relationship with the EU. So new […]


Accessibility statements and student e-book experiences

I tweeted last week about the tiny percentage of publishers who provide accessibility information about their products. Since then, preparing for Thursday’s course on e-books and disabled readers – what to look for in accessibility statements, I started studying the accessibility statements that do exist. It has been a salutary experience. At the risk of […]

digital mindfulness Julia Taylor Learner Experience Uncategorized

The good news about technology and student mental health

The negative effects of technology on young peoples mental health are often written about. Education has become more technology focused, more remote and less personal. But is technology always bad news? Julia Taylor focuses on some of the ways that technology could support better student mental health. Why should we worry? Universities and colleges have a […]

Inclusive Digital Capability Julia Taylor Productivity/assistive technology Uncategorized

Welcome to the Tech Lounge at Gloucestershire College

Tech Lounge is a new social learning project created by the digital team at Gloucestershire College. Husna Ahmed a Digital learning Coach at Gloucestershire College talks about their ‘relaxed’ approach to supporting inclusive teaching skills. We invite staff across the college from different departments to attend a relaxed conversational session to discuss digital tools that […]

Julia Taylor Learner Experience Productivity/assistive technology Uncategorized

Student Innovators shape Gloucestershire College

Students are shaping the way technology is used at Gloucestershire College through the Student Innovators project. The idea is to involve students in changing the way digital technology is used in the college. Amina Begum, a Digital Learning Coach at the college told Julia Taylor about the project. Who can be an innovator? The idea originally stemmed […]


Challenging e-text complacency – the allergy analogy

It took a long time to identify my dairy intolerance but once it was identified and managed my sense of taste and smell began to return and long term digestion problems resolved. My quality of life improved because of two simple things: I had a better understanding of my needs The information on food packaging […]

Learner Experience Uncategorized

Learning Analytics Interventions – what’s really going on?

Learning analytics has the potential to change the way we respond to students facing challenges but who and how best to make the intervention? Julia Taylor reminds us of the need to look deeper into the data.  Interpreting data is a skill. It requires considerable knowledge and experience to ‘read’ the increasingly complex layers of data […]

Policy & strategy Quality improvement Teaching Uncategorized

Why your Digital Strategy must be Inclusive

 What if your digital strategy could… reduce the cost of supporting learner achievement provide a framework for addressing new requirements and responsibilities – without increasing the risk of exclusion identify opportunities for technology to extend and improve engagement and encourage innovative teaching practice at the same time The accessibility and inclusion subject specialists help Jisc members find practical, […]