Guest post Productivity/assistive technology

Windows 11: accessibility features get an upgrade

This month we are grateful to our guest Ros Walker, Digital Accessibility Adviser at the University of St Andrews, and member of the Assistive technology network (ATN) steering group. The ATN is a practitioner led community supported by Jisc and TechAbility. In this article, Ros highlights key areas that may be of particular support to […]

Guest post Learner Experience Teaching

Improving engagement in live sessions: the power of the chat

Our last accessibility drop-in clinic featured a few of our Accessibility Community’s Leadership Team introducing themselves and talking a little bit about their areas of practice. You can view the recording and access the transcript on the accessibility drop-in clinic page (March 2021). Following on from this, Miranda Melcher, shares more of her thoughts and […]

Alistair McNaught Inclusive Digital Capability Learner Experience Learning space design

Digital classrooms – making the most of inclusion

So what is a digital classroom? And how does it work? More particularly – how might it work for my disabled students? Alistair McNaught explores some of the issues and oppportunities. Introduction Traditional, didactic, methods of teaching can create significant barriers for some students. Where teaching resources are mainly a monoculture of text and learning activities […]

Learner Experience Margaret McKay Reading effectively Teaching Writing effectively

Accessible material audit checklist

As the start of the academic year is just around the corner we’ve pulled together some quick reminders and quick wins for you to consider when creating accessible resources, information and/or learning material.  How do you make sure your Word documents are accessible? I use inbuilt heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2 etc.) to structure […]

Learner Experience

Praise a publisher month

The students leave. The library staff have a chance to breathe, reflect and plan ahead.  August is an excellent month to take the opportunity to say ‘Well done’ to those who have made a difference in supporting disabled students. Using a simple online voting tool Alistair McNaught asked the LIS-Accessibility Jiscmail list who they wanted […]

Equality Learning space design Margaret McKay Subject Specialist

Inclusive design at the heart of the matter

Learning spaces come in all shapes and sizes, just like the people who use them!  In the same way that accessible physical spaces are key principles of inclusive design; careful and insightful planning of the digital environment present the same opportunities to anticipate need, to widen access and to address the diversity of prospective users. […]

Policy & strategy Quality improvement Teaching Uncategorized

Why your Digital Strategy must be Inclusive

 What if your digital strategy could… reduce the cost of supporting learner achievement provide a framework for addressing new requirements and responsibilities – without increasing the risk of exclusion identify opportunities for technology to extend and improve engagement and encourage innovative teaching practice at the same time The accessibility and inclusion subject specialists help Jisc members find practical, […]

assistive technology Learner Experience Teaching Uncategorized

Using technology to support learners with additional needs

The number of disabled students – or students with additional support needs – is rising. There may be many reasons, but the best reason is that we are becoming more aware of the issues. But ‘more aware’ of the problems doesn’t mean more aware of the answers. In this blog, Alistair McNaught gives some advice […]

digital mindfulness Margaret McKay

Responding mindfully in the digital world

Hot on the heels of University Mental Health Day which took place on 2nd March 2017, Margaret McKay asked Sandy MacLean Inclusion Advisor at College Development Network  to share some thoughts on the role of mindfulness in our digital world….. Mindfulness is a particular way of paying attention. It is the mental faculty of purposefully bringing […]

Equality Learner Experience Quality improvement

Accessibility for administrative staff

It’s easy to get preoccupied with accessible teaching and learning but much of the information a student requires comes from faculty administrative staff. Ben Watson, the University of Kent’s Accessible Information Advisor takes up the story… At the University of Kent, we have been working closely with Jisc to implement mainstream adjustments and technologies to improve […]