Guest post Learner Experience Teaching

Improving engagement in live sessions: the power of the chat

Our last accessibility drop-in clinic featured a few of our Accessibility Community’s Leadership Team introducing themselves and talking a little bit about their areas of practice. You can view the recording and access the transcript on the accessibility drop-in clinic page (March 2021). Following on from this, Miranda Melcher, shares more of her thoughts and […]

Equality Learner Experience Uncategorized

Could ‘HyFlex’ make the difference for disadvantaged learners?

The focus should be on ‘difference’. Providing flexibility and choice as we redesign hybrid online learning post covid.

Equality Learner Experience

The power of technology to support more diverse learners

Widening participation is a strategic priority across the UK.  Whilst institutions focus on attracting learners from under-represented and hard to reach communities, staff are striving to develop engaging and innovative ways to deliver dynamic and inclusive learning experiences to support learners. Digital exclusion and inequality Is technology capable of helping progress the widening participation agenda? Not only […]