Policy & strategy Quality improvement Reading effectively Researching effectively Teaching Writing effectively

Access and Inclusion Strategy: are you digitally inclusive?

Funding changes in Scottish FE sector prompt Margaret McKay to reflect on the wider opportunities for colleges to embrace digital inclusion in widenening participation… A review of funding to support disabled students in FE colleges in Scotland was undertaken last academic year (2015-2016).  Engaging with a wide range of stakeholder groups, the Scottish Funding Council […]

Productivity/assistive technology Reading effectively

Supporting personalisation with roaming profiles

We’ve talked before about the inclusivity benefits that are hidden in the tools and technologies that we use every day and are often overlooked.  This blog by Margaret McKay and Rohan Slaughter describe ways of (i) taking advantage of the Ease of Access features in Windows (ii) how Roaming Profiles set up by the IT […]

Can the digital world help us harness positive mental health?

University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day took place on 3rd March 2016.  Nurturing our psycho-social as well as our physical health is crucial to our human experience.  It impacts on all aspects of our life, including our educational and vocational experience as learners and as employees.  In 2013 the NUS carried out a Mental Distress […]