Inclusive Digital Capability Julia Taylor Learner Experience Subject Specialist Teaching

Why digital capability needs to be inclusive

What digital skills do you need to do the job? In the fast changing, competitive landscape of employment, Digital Capability is seen as essential to developing a competent individual and an effective organisation. Defining the digital skills needed to do a job efficiently is only part of the challenge in education. Because technology offers so […]

Alistair McNaught Equality Policy & strategy Quality improvement

Humans, ladders, barriers and fish – the disability paradigm shift

A hectic new term. You come up to breathe. Alistair McNaught explores  a new support service from Jisc and how it might help you better meet the needs of your disabled students. The new term begins. You have a new cohort of disabled students to work with. In many organisations, the support staff will be […]

Equality Julia Taylor Learner Experience

Student Minds- How can tech contribute to better mental health?

Risk, regulation, success and policy – the Universities UK’s case for making mental health a priority.  Technology has a clear role to play in supporting student mental health. Julia Taylor considers the issues. How big is the problem? With 1 in 8 graduates saying they have a Mental Health condition, costs and demand for support with […]

Equality Learning space design Subject Specialist

Inclusive design at the heart of the matter

Learning spaces come in all shapes and sizes, just like the people who use them!  In the same way that accessible physical spaces are key principles of inclusive design; careful and insightful planning of the digital environment present the same opportunities to anticipate need, to widen access and to address the diversity of prospective users. […]