Learner Experience Reading effectively Teaching Writing effectively

Accessible material audit checklist

As the start of the academic year is just around the corner we’ve pulled together some quick reminders and quick wins for you to consider when creating accessible resources, information and/or learning material.  How do you make sure your Word documents are accessible? I use inbuilt heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2 etc.) to structure […]

Policy & strategy Quality improvement Reading effectively Researching effectively Teaching Writing effectively

Access and Inclusion Strategy: are you digitally inclusive?

Funding changes in Scottish FE sector prompt Margaret McKay to reflect on the wider opportunities for colleges to embrace digital inclusion in widenening participation… A review of funding to support disabled students in FE colleges in Scotland was undertaken last academic year (2015-2016).  Engaging with a wide range of stakeholder groups, the Scottish Funding Council […]

Alternative formats Policy & strategy Reading effectively Writing effectively

Talking technology

We’ve already blogged on supporting reading and using built in browser tools but a question we often get is “What’s the difference between screen reading and text readers (or ‘text to speech’ technology)? Often the terms are used interchangeably but, in reality, they are two different kinds of technologies used in different ways. Margaret McKay helps […]

Writing effectively

Writing effectively

Organising information For many students the initial problem is how to organise thoughts into a coherent flow. Mind mapping tools can help structure information effectively in a graphical way. It works well for many learners who struggle to organise content effectively. Mindmapping allows the separation of content from structure so a learner can capture ideas as […]